Viktor Malakuczi
PhD, Assistant Professor in Design at Sapienza University of Rome, with scientific habitation for associate professorship obtained in 2022. His research interests that revolve around the contamination of Design with advanced digital know-how. The three main threads of research are design for digital manufacturing (PhD topic), design for cultural experience and design for internet of things. He has contributed significantly or coordinated over 40 research projects financed on the regional, national or European level, with key role in proposal writing many times. In particular, the most recent research tackle with extended reality, exhibition design, while exploring the impact of generative artificial intelligence in the creative process. His teaching activities usually revolve around innovation with digital technologies, from form-giving to interactive objects, which has 8 accepted or pending utility patents. He has over fifty publications, among which the book “Computational by Design” about personalisable and computational design for digital manufacturing and industry 4.0. He il also Associate Editor of the DIID class A scientific journal and has been co-editor of large-scale design conference proceedings of EAD and Cumulus where he served as conference co-manager responsible for digital infrastructure and communications.
career path
Viktor started his design studies at MOME Budapest, then proceeded with a master’s degree at ISIA Rome, and obtained a PhD at Sapienza University of Rome, where he had developed a research career through various contracts at multiple departments and research centres. Currently he is an Assistant Professor (RTDA – fixed-term researcher, started in 2020 and renewed in 2023). Previously, he has been contract professor at University of Bologna and University of Ferrara, as well as holding workshops and guest lectures at various other universities.
major projects now
MiRA – Mixed Reality Ambiances (2021-2024, Lazio Innova DTC). Regional research and innovation project with 3 universities currently being concluded, which developed a versatile authoring tool for innovative spatial augmented reality experiences, applicable to various field from cultural heritage to industrial applications (major involvement from proposal drafting to coordination and execution)
XR2LEARN – Leveraging the European XR industry technologies to empower immersive learning and training (2023-2026, Horizon Innovation Action). Involvement through the partner CNIT, project coordination unit.
MICS Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile (2023-2025, PNRR national research project). Involvement in Spoke 1, Digital advanced design: technologies, processes, and tools – project 1.07 From waste to manufacturing: digital tools to establish virtuous cycles.
HERIT ADAPT – HERItage and territory resilience through sustainable Tourism, climate change ADAPtation and ciTizen engagement (2024-2026, Interreg MED). Involvement in the experimentation for citizen involvement at cultural heritage sites.
He has been selected speaker at 26 conferences, invited speaker at 14 conferences. Moreover, he was involved in the organisation of 13 conferences and seminars, with major role in the following events:
Design Design for Phygital World. One-day international conference with over 20 speakers. Role: scientific responsibility, speaker selection and moderation, related communication.
Cumulus Roma 2021 – Design Culture(s). Role: Conference co-Manager with main responsibility in communication strategy and digital infrastructure both for speaker selection and virtual conference. Over 600 participants, over 300 selected speakers.
DSURF. Design and digital surfaces for distributed manufacturing. Seminar with four lectures from renowned experts of the field. Role: organisation of the seminar and moderation of the event
12th International Conference of the European Academy if Design – Design for Next. Role: Conference co-Manager with main responsibility in communication, media management, web and speaker selection processes. Over 500 participants, over 300 selected speakers.
Author of over 50 scientific papers, among which a monograph and two volumes of conference proceedings as editor.
Malakuczi, V., Ershova, M., Gentile, A., Gironi, C., Saviano, M., Imbesi, L. (in press). Design in dialogue: AI as an aid of imagination for future scenarios. In: DRS2024:Boston Conference Proceedings (contributo accettato per presentazione il 27.06.2024)
Viktor Malakuczi, Miriam Saviano, Mariia Ershova, Andrea Gentile, Lorenzo Imbesi (in press). Evolving scenarios of AI in the design practice. In: Cumulus Conference Proceedings Beijing 2023 “Narratives of love towards healing, transformation and transcendence”.
Viktor Malakuczi; Angela Giambattista; Andrea Gentile; Mariia Ershova (in press). Comunità sportive come aggregatori della diversità nel contesto urbano. Indagine etnografica e sviluppo di un modello di coinvolgimento. In: Atti dell’assemblea SID 2023, Pescara. (paper presented on 12.03.2023)
Malakuczi, V., Ershova, M., Gentile, A., Giambattista, A., Imbesi, L. (in press). Sport for Community Building and Social Inclusion in the Urban Context. The International Journal of Design in Society ISSN 2325-1328 (contributo accettato e presentato il 29.03.2023)
Saviano, M., Malakuczi, V., Imbesi, L. (2024). Toward Accessible Mixed Reality in the Museum: Usability Principles for Disadvantaged Visitors and a Feasibility Evaluation for a New MR System.” The International Journal of Design in Society 18 (1): 65-81. ISSN 2325-1360, doi:10.18848/2325-1328/CGP/v18i01/65-81.
Botte, B., Marinensi, G., Malakuczi, V., Vitaletti, W. (2024). Innovative Technologies in Museums: A Review of Gamified Augmented Reality Experiences. In: INTED2024 Proceedings. 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain. 4-6 March, 2024. ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9, ISSN: 2340-1079, doi: 10.21125/inted.2024, Publisher: IATED
Malakuczi, V., Saviano, M. (2023). Scenari e strumenti per XR senza visore. Un sistema gestionale per installazioni immersive museali, fuori dalla bolla. In: N. Ceccarelli, M. Sironi (eds), DesignIntorno. Conferenza annuale della Società Italiana di Design. Società Italiana di Design, Venezia. ISBN 9788894338072
T. Empler, V. Malakuczi, G. Murro (2022). Revixit Aquinum. Quanto possano le tecnologie nella valorizzazione di un patrimonio culturale. Revixit Aquinum. How technologies can enhance cultural heritage. DN – Building Information Modeling, Data & Semantics. n.11 dicembre/december 2022. ISSN 2610-8755. pp.22-34
Malakuczi, V., Saviano, M., Muscolo, S., Cipollone, P., Gironi, C., Angelini, M. (2023). Digital synesthesia in product design. Building a vocabulary of physical interactions for a sensible quantified self. In: K. Vaes, J. Verlinden, Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023 (paper presented on 12.04.2023)
Muscolo, S., Malakuczi , V. (2023). Design perspectives for the future of work in Industry 5.0 environment: the digital and physical space in Augmented Reality uses. In: K. Vaes, J. Verlinden, Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023 (paper presented on 12.04.2023)
Saviano, M., Malakuczi, V., Imbesi, L. (2023). Visor-less XR in museums. A Content Management System for Immersive Installations. In 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Shanghai, China, 2023, pp. 551-556, doi: 10.1109/VRW58643.2023.00122.
Malakuczi, V., Saviano, M., Ivkov, T., and Imbesi, L. (in press). MiRA: Mixed Reality as a shared experience in the museum space. A system of immersive visualisation and content authoring. In CHNT Editorial board, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, November 2022. Heidelberg: Propylaeum. (paper presented on 10.11.2022)
Muscolo, S.; Gironi, C.; Malakuczi, V.; D’Elia, L. (in press). Virtual proximity in the factory processes: designing interfaces between industrial equipment and human operators. In REDES 2022 Conference Proceedings (paper presented on 19.05.2022)
Cipollone, P.; Malakuczi, V.; Ragazzo, F.; Russo, M. (in press). Ready-to-(dis)assemble: experimentations on elastic joinery for engaging and environmentally friendly furniture. In REDES 2022 Conference Proceedings (paper presented on 19.05.2022)
D’Elia, L., Monaco, L., and Malakuczi, V. (2022) Participatory tool for productive citizenship in a regional maker network, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.722
Malakuczi, V., Empler, T. (2022). Percorsi di valorizzazione immersiva per una città antica: progetti per Aquinum. Immersive digital experiences in an ancient city: projects for Aquinum. In C. Arcangioli, M. S. Sarto, Atti del 2 Convegno annuale del Distretto Tecnologico per i Beni e le attività Culturali della Regione Lazio. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference DTC Lazio-Centre of Excellence (Lazio Technological District for Cultural Heritage). ISBN: 9788891326638
D’Elia, L.; Malakuczi, V. (2022). Towards the economic viability of Digital Manufacturing: in search for a business framework through regional case studies. In The 23rd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings. Design Management Institute, Cambridge MA. ISSN 2640-4702
Malakuczi, V. (2022). Design per la manifattura distribuita: un approccio per il progetto flessibile. In E. Trivellin (edited by), Design driven strategies : visioni a confronto. Firenze : Firenze University Press, pp. 51-55. ISBN 978-88-5518-551-6 (PDF), ISBN 978-88-5518-552-3 (XML), DOI 10.36253/978-88-5518-551-6
Malakuczi, V., D’Elia, L., Monaco, L. (in press). Urban Manufacturing Policy Toolkit: strategie per la progettazione e produzione partecipata tra maker, designer, imprese e istituzioni. In Atti del’Assemblea Palermo post 2020 del SID – Socieltà Italiana di Design. (contributo accettato)
Giambattista, A., Malakuczi, V. (2021), Reflecting on Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #1 PDF: ISBN 978-952-64-9006-9. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series, N°7, ISSN 2490-046X
Malakuczi, V. (2021). Design Culture(s) distilled: emerging connections. In A. Giambattista, V. Malakuczi (eds.), Reflecting on Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, Volume #1 PDF: ISBN 978-952-64-9006-9. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series, N°7, ISSN 2490-046X
Di Lucchio, L., Imbesi, L., Giambattista, A., Malakuczi V. (2021). Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, ISBN 978-952-64-9004-5. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series, N°7, ISSN 2490-046X
Monaco, L., D’Elia, L., Malakuczi, V. (2021). Making in Proximity: Design Policies for collaborative making cultures. In L. Di Lucchio, L. Imbesi, A. Giambattista, V. Malakuczi (edited by), Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021, ISBN 978-952-64-9004-5
Malakuczi, V. and D’Elia, L. (2021), Tracing Design’s Value in Distributed Manufacturing. Design Management Journal, 15: 34-42. ISSN 1948-7177 (online), ISSN 9142-5074 (print), https://doi.org/10.1111/dmj.12058
Kumar, S. R., Malakuczi, V. (2020). Avant-garde CAD – Generative Design. Diid disegno industriale | industrial design, Design 2030: Pratiche, 72|20 (pp. 96-103). ISSN 1594-8528
D’Elia, L., Malakuczi, V., Monaco, L. (2020). Makerspaces e amministrazioni locali. Un toolkit a sostegno degli spazi del fare collaborativo. MD Journal [10] 2020 Design for citizenship. ISSN 2531-9477 [online] ISBN 978-88-85885-10-3 [print]
Malakuczi, V., D’Elia, L. (2020). Tracing Design’s value in Distributed Manufacturing. In The 22nd dmi: Academic Design Management Conference Proceedings. Design Management Institute, Cambridge, MA.ISSN – 2640-4702
Malakuczi, V. (in press). Da prassi a ricerca a prassi. Uno strumento progettuale per promuovere il design personalizzabile. In Atti del convegno FRID “Confini e Contesti. La doppia prospettiva della ricerca in design”, Venezia, febbraio 2020
Malakuczi, V. (2020). Abacus. Un abaco di base – avanzati componenti universalmente stampabili [a 3D]. In G. Di Bucchianico, R. Fagnoni, L. Pietroni, D. Piscitelli, R. Riccini (edited by), 100 anni dal Bauhaus. Le prospettive della ricerca di design, pp. 505-509, ISBN 9788-89-43380-2-7
Catarci, T, Marrella, A., Santucci, G., Sharf, M., Vitaletti, A., Di Lucchio, L., Imbesi, L. & Malakuczi, V. (2020). From Consensus to Innovation. Evolving Towards Crowd-based User-Centered Design. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2020.1753333
Malakuczi, V. (2020). Materials, machines, meanings. Possible design strategies to compensate three key shortages of distributed manufacturing. Strategic Design Research Journal, volume 13, number 01, January – April 2020. 06-23. Doi: 10.4013/sdrj.2020.131.02
Vitaletti, A. Chatzigiannakis, I., Malakuczi, V., Mavrommati, I. (2019). A Case of Genetic Algorithms Supporting the Design of Collaboratively Shaped, Genetically Evolving, Products. In First International Conference on Societal Automation (SA), Krakow, Poland, 2019, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/SA47457.2019.8938097.
Formia, E., Guidi, F., Malakuczi, V., Succini, L. (2019). Antico-Contemporaneo. Un progetto per il Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna. MD Journal [8] 2019 Il design come bene culturale. ISSN 2531-9477
Malakuczi, V. (2019). Computational by Design, towards a co-designed material culture. A design tool. In L. Valentine, J. Bletcher, L. Cruickshank (edited by),Running with Scissors: 13th International Conference of the European Academy of Design, Dundee, 10-12th April, 2019. ISBN 978-0-367-33056-9. The Design Journal, 22:sup1, (pp. 1235-1248), ISSN: 1756-3062. DOI:10.1080/14606925.2019.1594989
Malakuczi, V. (2018). Approcci computazionali ai valori del Modernismo. | Computational approaches to the modernist values. Diid disegno industriale | industrial design, Design After Modernity, 64|18 (pp. 95-102). ISSN 1594-8528
Malakuczi, V., Di Lucchio, L. (2018). Immateriale in materiale. MD Journal [6] 2018 Stone Design. ISSN 2531-9477, pp.108-117
Di Lucchio, L., Malakuczi, V., Coppola, A. (2018). Transition to Digital Manufacturing: generating product opportunities with authentically ‘post-series’ design. In Z. Linghao, L. Yanyan, X. Dongjuan, G. Miaosen, S. Di (edited by), Cumulus Conference Proceedings Wuxi 2018. Diffused Transition & Design Opportunities. (pp. 112-124). ISBN 978-952-60-0092-3 (print), ISBN 978-952-60-0091-6 (pdf), ISBN 978-952-60-0093-0 (e-Pub).
Malakuczi, V., Di Lucchio, L.; Coppola, A.; Alamo Avila, A. (2018). Post-Series Design: a tool for catalysing the diffusion of personalisable design. In C. Storni, K. Leahy, M. McMahon, P. Lloyd and E. Bohemia (edited by), Proceedings of DRS 2018 International Conference: Catalyst. (pp. 1231-1246). London: Design Research Society, Loughborough University. ISSN 2398-3132, ISBN 978-1-912294-18-3 (ebook, volume 3)
Malakuczi, V. (2018). Design Computazionale e Fabbricazione Digitale: un diverso approccio per il Design. Definizione di un Design Tool per la comprensione e lo sviluppo di prodotti personalizzabili. (tesi di dottorato disponibile nel catalogo IRIS presso https://iris.uniroma1.it/handle/11573/1097364)
Ceraudo, G., Murro, G., Malakuczi V., Monastero, G. (2018). Una prospettiva “aumentata” per conoscenza e fruizione. Il progetto Metateca ad Aquinum. Studi Cassinati, Anno XVIII, n. 1, Gennaio – Marzo 2018 , pp. 5-11. ISSN 2421-0919
Malakuczi, V. (2018). Smart Storytelling Stone: New Meanings for Traditional Materials through Interactive Technologies. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal – Annual Review ISSN: 1833-1874, https://doi.org/10.18848/1833-1874/CGP/v12i01/41-47
Malakuczi, V. (2017). Raising new opportunities for the Next Economy by exploring variable user needs for Computational Co-Design. In P. Atkinson. L. Di Lucchio, L. Imbesi (edited by), Design for Next. Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference. (pp. S581-S588). Oxon: Taylor&Francis ISBN: 9781138090231
Malakuczi, V. (2017). Design e Ready Made nell’era digitale | Design and Ready Made in the digital age. Diid disegno industriale | industrial design, Design Actually, 62-63|17. ISSN 1594-8528
Malakuczi, V. (2017). Conceptual tools for spreading parametrically personalised product design and digital manufacturing. In I. E. Haber (edited by), Conference book of 3rd International Interdisciplinary 3D Conference. (pp. 34-43). Pécs: University of Pécs ISBN: 9789634291657
Di Lucchio, L., Malakuczi, V. (2017). Design for E-very-one: exploring the possibilities of open-ended innovation focused on individual diversity. In C. Kung et al. (edited by), Open Design for E-very-thing. (pp. 373-374). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Design Institute. ISBN 9789526000770
Di Lucchio, L., Imbesi, L., Giambattista, A. & Malakuczi, V.(2017). Introduction (Editorial). In P. Atkinson. L. Di Lucchio, L. Imbesi (edited by), Design for Next. Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference. (pp. SIV-SXL). Oxon: Taylor&Francis ISBN: 9781138090231, https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1355614
Malakuczi, V. (2017). Case studies: manifestations of Collective Intelligence in Contemporary Design Practices. In L. Di Lucchio, L. Imbesi (edited by), Design as Collective Intelligence. (pp. 94-121). Champaign: Common Ground Publishing ISBN 9781612298085, https://doi.org/10.18848/978-1-61229-809-2/CGP
Ceraudo, G., Murro, G., Malakuczi, V., Monastero, G. (2016). Una prospettiva ‘aumentata’ per Conoscenza e Fruizione. Il progetto Met@teca e i percorsi di visita del sito. Appendice dell’articolo Ceraudo, G., Murro, G. Aquinum: una città romana tra ricerca e prospettive di valorizzazione. Anales de Arqueologia Cordobesa n. 26, 2016 (pp. 71-76). ISSN 11309741
Di Lucchio, L., Imbesi, L., Imani, A., Malakuczi, V., Segnalini, L. (2015). Le Modulor & Le Modulor 2 (selezione di brani). In Paris, T., Cristallo, V. (edited by), Le Corbusier. Antologia degli scritti (pp. 323-368). Roma: Rdesignpress ISBN 9788889819562
Talia, M., Malakuczi, V., Raggi, A., Segnalini, L. (2015). La carta d’Atene (selezione di brani). In Paris, T., Cristallo, V. (edited by), Le Corbusier. Antologia degli scritti (pp. 323-368). Roma: Rdesignpress ISBN 9788889819562
Olivieri, M., Cellurale, M., Del Re, N., Malakuczi, V. (2015). Maniera di pensare l’urbanistica (text selections). In Paris, T., Cristallo, V. (edited by), Le Corbusier. Antologia degli scritti (pp. 323-368). Roma: Rdesignpress ISBN 9788889819562
contact me
viktor [dot] malakuczi [at] uniroma1 [dot] it